full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dan Berkenstock: The world is one big dataset. Now, how to photograph it ...

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, like most of us, I'd been online, I'd see my house, so I thhogut, I'll hop in there and I'll start looking up some of these facilities. And what I found really surprised me. The pictures that I was finding were years out of date, and because of that, it had relatively little rveneclae to the work that I was doing today. But I was intrigued. I mean, satellite ieamgry is pretty amazing stuff. There are miinllos and millions of sensors surrounding us today, but there's still so much we don't know on a daily bsais. How much oil is stored in all of China? How much corn is being produced? How many ships are in all of our world's ports? Now, in theory, all of these questions could be aewresnd by imagery, but not if it's old. And if this data was so valuable, then how come I couldn't get my hands on more recent pictures?

Open Cloze

Now, like most of us, I'd been online, I'd see my house, so I _______, I'll hop in there and I'll start looking up some of these facilities. And what I found really surprised me. The pictures that I was finding were years out of date, and because of that, it had relatively little _________ to the work that I was doing today. But I was intrigued. I mean, satellite _______ is pretty amazing stuff. There are ________ and millions of sensors surrounding us today, but there's still so much we don't know on a daily _____. How much oil is stored in all of China? How much corn is being produced? How many ships are in all of our world's ports? Now, in theory, all of these questions could be ________ by imagery, but not if it's old. And if this data was so valuable, then how come I couldn't get my hands on more recent pictures?


  1. millions
  2. answered
  3. relevance
  4. basis
  5. imagery
  6. thought

Original Text

Now, like most of us, I'd been online, I'd see my house, so I thought, I'll hop in there and I'll start looking up some of these facilities. And what I found really surprised me. The pictures that I was finding were years out of date, and because of that, it had relatively little relevance to the work that I was doing today. But I was intrigued. I mean, satellite imagery is pretty amazing stuff. There are millions and millions of sensors surrounding us today, but there's still so much we don't know on a daily basis. How much oil is stored in all of China? How much corn is being produced? How many ships are in all of our world's ports? Now, in theory, all of these questions could be answered by imagery, but not if it's old. And if this data was so valuable, then how come I couldn't get my hands on more recent pictures?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
satellite imagery 4
daily basis 4
data scientist 2
satellite design 2
imaging satellites 2
short weeks 2

Important Words

  1. amazing
  2. answered
  3. basis
  4. china
  5. corn
  6. daily
  7. data
  8. date
  9. facilities
  10. finding
  11. hands
  12. hop
  13. house
  14. imagery
  15. intrigued
  16. millions
  17. oil
  18. online
  19. pictures
  20. ports
  21. pretty
  22. produced
  23. questions
  24. relevance
  25. satellite
  26. sensors
  27. ships
  28. start
  29. stored
  30. stuff
  31. surprised
  32. surrounding
  33. theory
  34. thought
  35. today
  36. valuable
  37. work
  38. years